United Socialist States of the North

From Ashea Wiki

United Socialist States of the North

Government Type Socialist Democracy?
Ruler Chairman Joseph Zelinsky
Capital City Thirsk
Racial Makeup Wraith
Religion Unknown
Primary Population Unknown
Secondary Population Unknown
Founded Unknown
Demonym Unknown
Preceded by {{{old}}} Succeeded by {{{new}}}

The United Socialist States of the North, or USSN for short, is the largest nation by land size, and the leading superpower of the north. It is a communist state that has spread it's ideals throughout Agiya.

The current ruler of the USSN is The_MerchantYT.

The USSN has 7 lands.


The USSN started as a smaller independent nation, but after reforms to communism, defeated the United North in a war, taking over most of their land.

The USSN allied with the Chayuthaya Empire in the war against Royaume Madárès, spreading communism to the defeated nation, before Koyuki would develop tensions with the USSN and various revolts, including a communist revolution, would cause the collapse of the Chayuthaya Empire.

Culture & Politics

The USSN is a communist society, and has taken a more hostile approach to their expansion recently.


The United Socialist States of the North has many cities, all located in the cold northern tundras, varying from mountains, or forts near the oceans.


The USSN has 7 lands as of 11/6/2024.