Bunky Galgrog

From Ashea Wiki
Revision as of 10:19, 12 November 2024 by Foxman100 (talk | contribs)
Name King Bunky Galgrog of Grog
Age Before timeskip: 24

After timeskip: 34

Gender Male
Race Dwarf
Profession King
Personality Very down to earth, try's to accommodate everyone's needs to the best of his ability's.
Strengths Leadership, Dispute resolving, and mining.
Weaknesses Fighting, Designing
Skills Diplomatc Realtions, Naval Combat, and Buliding
Weapons "The Hammer" a golden Warhammer that represents the indomable sprit of Grogians
Friends Various people across the Agyian continent
Enemies None
Sexuality Pansexual

Bunky Galagrog is the 3rd King of The Federation of Grog, after the first 2 were killed within the first few months of the nations creation.

In the past ten years he has been solidifying his dominance in the continent as a ambassador of peace, with Grog not getting involved in any conflicts since The Chayuthaya-Madarian War.

Bunky Galgrog is alive and played by Foxman100
