Empres Koyuki Akaimo

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Revision as of 20:09, 15 October 2024 by Twona (talk | contribs)
Name Koyuki Akaimo
Age 19
Gender Female
Race Kitsune (Neko)
Profession 1st Empress of the Chayuthayan Empire
Personality Displays an eccentric, overly-cheerful, and lack of empathy, to mask her true emotions.
Strengths Leadership & Charisma
Weaknesses Young & Inexperienced
Skills Diplomacy and Ruling over the Chayuthaya
Weapons The "Kagayaki", (Sword of the Sun, but it's old past has been lost in time)
Friends Many people across the Chayuthayan Empire, and the world of Agiya, though she's grown distrustful of others recently.
Enemies Those who seek to bring chaos to the Chayuthaya, and foreign warmongers of other nations.
Sexuality Bisexual

Koyuki Akaimo was the 3rd ruler of the Nekohana Crownlands,

before she reformed the nation into the Chayuthayan Empire, as the 1st Empress.

The Chayuthayan Empire is ruled by the Akaimo Monarchy, although the Empire has become a constitutional monarchy after reforms.





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