Empres Koyuki Akaimo

From Ashea Wiki
Revision as of 20:03, 15 October 2024 by Twona (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Character|Name=Koyuki Akaimo|Age=19|<strong>Name </strong>=Koyuki Akaimo|<strong>Name=Koyuki Akaimo}} Koyuki Akaimo was the 3rd ruler of the Nekohana Crownlands, before she reformed the nation into the Chayuthayan Empire, as the 1st Empress. The Chayuthayan Empire is ruled by the Akaimo Monarchy, although the Empire has become a constitutional monarchy after reforms. == e == == e == == e == == e == == Historical Timeline ==")
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Name {{{nam}}}
Age {{{age}}}
Gender {{{gen}}}
Race {{{race}}}
Profession {{{pro}}}
Personality {{{per}}}
Strengths {{{str}}}
Weaknesses {{{wek}}}
Skills {{{skl}}}
Weapons {{{wea}}}
Friends {{{fri}}}
Enemies {{{ene}}}
Sexuality {{{seu}}}

Koyuki Akaimo was the 3rd ruler of the Nekohana Crownlands,

before she reformed the nation into the Chayuthayan Empire, as the 1st Empress.

The Chayuthayan Empire is ruled by the Akaimo Monarchy, although the Empire has become a constitutional monarchy after reforms.





Historical Timeline