V2 War Rules

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Revision as of 17:23, 8 October 2024 by Voleia (talk | contribs)

Please note that "nation" refers to any sovereign and independent land-owning entity within Ashea, regardless of whether that entity has any nation claim ingame. [states] are considered part of their parents for the purpose of wars regardless of their involvement, but [states] are seen as independent.

Siege Battle Mechanics

  1. Depending on the size of the defending and attacking armies, and the size of the town, 1-3 capture points will be placed within the defenders town. Each of these capture points shall have a 'score value' between 1 and 3.
    1. War staff will decide their locations based off the defenders input.
    2. They will be placed within the actual town area of the town, not in any sort of large faction base or underground farming tunnels. Except in cases where the main populated areas of a town are built underground (Such as many dwarven or dragonborn towns), they will probably be placed aboveground
    3. Fortifications, castles, and other such locations will typically have capture points with a higher 'score value'
  2. Every 15 seconds, each capture point will add its 'score value' to the score of whichever team controls it. During the second third of the battle, the score value of a capture point will double. During the last third, it will double again.
  3. Teams will gain 1 point for every enemy player they kill, plus 0.5 points for every kill the dead player had accumulated before their death.
  4. Players will have a 30 second respawn timer after death in wars
  5. Efficiency pickaxes will not work in wars
  6. Blocks will be breakable, but only certain types of blocks decided by the war staff team (Likely the blocks used in gates, passageways, etc.
  7. There will be a radius that confines the area of the battle. If players exit the area, they will begin to take damage.
  8. Players cannot get involved mid-battle.

Field Battle Mechanics

  1. Field battles are simple one-life engagements, typically within a confined area between the attacking and defending town
  2. Players will have ten minutes before the battle to build up defenses
  3. Battles will have a time limit of 30 minutes. If that time expires, the win will be given to the team with the highest percentage of their players left alive.

Battle Tactics

  1. Faction-style bases are not allowed, including excessive use of obsidian, non-natural skybases (floating islands may sometimes be allowed), tiny underground structures, etc.
    1. Even combat builds should generally remain 'true to the theme' of Ashea.
  2. Using glitches, hacked clients, or other forms of cheating to gain an advantage is not allowed.
  3. Rules cannot be changed mid battle unless both teams and staff agree
    1. However, taking advantage of obvious loopholes in the rules / playing 'in bad faith' is still against the rules, even if the offenses aren't explicitly mentioned here.
  4. MouseTweaks, AutoClickers, XRay, or any sort of hacked client is not allowed during battles.
  5. Everyone who is participating in a battle who is staff must be temporarily set to a non-staff position during the battle, to avoid accidental perms abuse.
  6. Griefing for the sake of griefing during a battle is not allowed, but looting or griefing in a way that gives a strategic advantage is
  7. Offensive Potions (Poison, harming, etc) are not allowed except via dispenser.
    1. This includes using them on yourself to double jump
  8. Continually intentionally exiting the battle radius to avoid death may result in disqualification for the player doing it
  9. If there are any disputes between nations regarding the outcome or rules of a battle, staff may resolve it if the players themselves cannot. If the admin team is actively engaged in the war, they should find a more neutral third party to help resolve it based on these war rules.
    1. If the two sides cannot agree on their own sets of rules, it will default back to these ones. If both sides agree, they can change anything in this document. They cannot 'revoke' their agreement later, however, unless both sides agree to do that.

Attacking Nations

  1. Once a war ends, nations will gain a two week war shield from being attacked so that they have time to rest. If nations agree to any non-aggression pact, staff will enforce it for a maximum period of 6 months, although this will not affect assisting allies in defensive conflicts, or in cases of deliberate provocation. In cases where one side breaks the other parts of a treaty, only the side who did not break the treaty can choose to end the nonaggressionpact.
  2. Members of Nation A, which is militarily allied with or has a nonaggression pact with Nation B, cannot create new OC's to help other nations attack Nation B.
  3. Nations must have some sort of reasoning to declare war (territorial disputes, rp conflicts, etc)
  4. Staff may prevent larger nations from 'bullying' smaller ones or attempting to conquer the entire world at once
  5. Nations should be at reasonable distances from eachother. For examples, the Nekohana shouldn't be attacking the United North unless they have a *very* good reason for it. This is largely up to staff discretion, though.
  6. Small land claims which are intended to be houses, lone buildings, palaces, ruins, etc and not residential towns or fortresses will be 'bound' to a larger nearby town during the lands creation process. The claim owner should have some input over which town they are bound to.
    1. This means that they cannot be directly warred except by the town they are bound to, and will be considered part of their parent towns nation on the map.

Attacking Lands

  1. The nation who declares the war gets to attack first.
  2. Towns created after the beginning of the war cannot be used to attack the other side, however the other side may attack them (unless otherwise agreed). The same applies to town expansions. All towns created before October 1st, 2024, will be treated as if they had always existed. Additionally, either side can veto the creation of towns by the other side if the other side cannot prove they had already been planned before the war was declared.
  3. The "area of attack" for a nation (Nation A) is defined as the area covered by the combination of 2k x 2k square centered on each town in Nation A. Nation B towns that fall within the "area of attack" of Nation A can be attacked by Nation A without a field battle, while any outside requires a field battle unless the defenders choose not to have one. The attackers may choose a realistic path from their town to the defending town, while the defenders choose where on that path the fight will take place.
    1. The exact definition of attackable lands is fairly lose and up to staff interpretation, however the general rule is that Nation A towns being attacked by Nation B have to have a reasonable unimpeded path from any Nation B town. For example, if Altation were at war with Grog, they would have to conquer Walagrog before moving to Gorgrogalog, while Grog would have to take Eaden before moving to Sinai.
    2. This includes coastal attacks: A nation without any ports cannot attack a nation by sea. A nation that does have ports may attack by sea, but cannot bypass island forts en route or major coastal cities in narrow waters. For example, if Altation and Chayuthaya were at war, Altation would have to attack the Divine Island before Mikoto while Chayuthaya would have to attack Fort Blank before Sinai.
    3. Towns which aren't actually built up CAN be bypassed in spite of this: Nations cannot just claim worthless land to prevent it from being attacked, they have to have a reasonable and realistic value.
    4. These towns must be chosen at least 48 hours before the battle itself. If no town is chosen before that time, staff will select it. It cannot be changed when the battle is less than 48 hours away without both sides agreement.
  5. The defenders may choose a town to 'counterattack.' This must follow the same rules as the attacker's town
  6. STAGES OF BATTLE (For fights inside the Area of Attack
    1. The first battle will be a lives-based field battle. The winner of that battle gets to attack the other nations town in a siege battle.
    2. If the siege battle is won (by the attackers), the town is conquered by the attackers and the attackers get to choose where to attack next time.
    3. If the siege battle is lost (by the attackers), the land remains the same and the defenders get to choose where to attack next time
    4. If the siege battle is a draw, the land remains the same and the attackers get to choose where to attack

Allies & Fighters

  1. Players cannot join mid battle, and may be temporarily banned if they attempt to third-party a war
  2. People who join a war must have been in the Ashea discord for at least 1 week before the war was actually declared (when the war ticket was opened), or have 6 hours of playtime unrelated to wars. (this does not apply to wars which began before this was publicized)
    1. Intended purpose: players who consistently log on for wars and events are fine, but people invited for the sole purpose of fighting in a particular war or who have never had anything to do with Ashea before the war are not.
  3. Switching races for a battle is not allowed. You must play as a race that you had an OC for before the war. If you don't have one or don't actively play as one, then the race that you mostly played as before the war. If you switched races frequently anyway, then just the first race you joined as (Switching races to Demon is a dead giveaway)

War Shields

  1. Given that Ashea is an RP server, towns which are engaged in local RP event chains are given an indefinite special "War Shield"
    1. Town owners can choose to forfeit protection under this rule
    2. Towns protected under this rule cannot be used as a staging ground for other conflicts
    3. Towns protected under this rule can be bypassed in the event of a war against the nation they are part of
      1. This means that any nation which would have been able to attack this town but cannot because of the war shield, can attack other towns as if they were attacking from this town.
      2. If an attacker chooses to attack from a position that they can reach from the shielded town but could not reach through their own towns, the defenders can choose a counterattack town using the same rules.
    4. Staff can choose to revoke protection if they decide that a town owner has been too intentionally provocative against the enemy nation, or is harboring players who are.
  2. Newly created nations
    1. May be slightly off since I don't know when they were all made
    1. FORMAT: Town - Expiration - Reason
    2. Mycanorah - 10 May 2024 - Newly created town
    3. Thalassia - 10 May 2024 - Newly created nation
    4. Petra-Lapis - 10 May 2024 - Newly created town
    5. Aresol - Special / Indefinite - Snowrat RP Chain

List of "Bound Towns"

  1. FORMAT: Bound Town --> Parent Town