The Federation of Grog

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The Federation of Grog is a constitutional monarchy, and a smaller nation in the south, located in the desert. Grog was founded about 7 days after Ashea V2 was released. The nation was founded by 5 members, Former King Frunky (Sea Sheep), Chunky (Weirdfish), Drunky (Noey76), Punky (Cuzeye), and King Bunky (Foxman). The capital of Grog is Gorgrogalog, easily the most built up city in the nation, compared to the smaller city’s surrounding it. The main religion in Grog is Sheepaholism which is about sheep and alcoholism.

The current leader of The Federation of Grog is King Bunky. He is the 3rd leader of the Nation in RP and the 2nd leader of the Nation ingame after Former King Frunky.