Bunky Galgrog

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Name King Bunky Galgrog of Grog
Age Before timeskip: 24

After timeskip: 34

Gender Male
Race Dwarf
Profession King
Personality Very down to earth, try's to accommodate everyone's needs to the best of his ability's.
Strengths Leadership, Dispute resolving, and mining.
Weaknesses Fighting, Designing
Skills Diplomatc Realtions, Naval Combat, and Buliding
Weapons "The Hammer" a golden Warhammer that represents the indomable sprit of Grogians
Friends Various people across the Agyian continent
Enemies None
Sexuality Pansexual

Bunky Galagrog is the 3rd King of The Federation of Grog, after the first 2 were killed within the first few months of the nations creation.

In the past ten years he has been solidifying his dominance in the continent as a ambassador of peace, with Grog not getting involved in any conflicts since The Chayuthaya-Madarian War.

Bunky Galgrog is alive and played by Foxman100


Bunky is a Dwarf with brown hair, hazel eyes, and wearing plate armor at most times. He stands at a staggering 5'11 which is quite tall for a dwarf.

Early Life

Bunky was born to the Galgrog Monarchy, he was raised in the wandering tribe of dwarfs where the monarchy resided for much time. After 23 years the tribe settled down in the desert where the leader of the tribe and Bunkys father founded the city of Gorgrogalog. Soon after this many cities started to pop up around the desert. One of these citys, Portagrog was given to Bunky. This city was near the ocean so he had the idea to make it a port city. After a few months of working on this city, his father died to a assassination. This put Frunky, Bunkys older brother in control. Even though he just gained control, only two weeks later another assassination took Frunkys life, now putting Bunky in control.

Rise To Power

After Inheriting the throne, immediate changes were made. King Bunky immediately joined the Southern Agiyan Republic (SAR) because he knew he could not fend off attackers by himself. Since the The Chayuthaya-Madarian War was going on at the time, Bunky provided support to the The Chayuthaya Empire in the war because Royaume Madárès was the most likely suspect of the previous assassinations.


After his rise to power King Bunky started to focus on naval warfare. He returned to his roots in Portagrog and started to bulid ships. He did this for a long time untill grog had a strong navy. Even if Grog was a peaceful nation, if someone attacked, they would need a way to defend themselves, and since Bunky was not good at hand to hand combat, he decided to create a imperial navy.